SANY Paves the Way with Skillful Training for Thai Clients
2024-01-12 15:39:35
By Admin

Urban road construction is a crucial element in a country’s infrastructural development and serves as a catalyst for urban progress, playing a pivotal role in stimulating rapid economic growth.

For developing nations like Thailand, accelerating road construction and intensifying urban infrastructure investments can alleviate the congestion of urban living environments, significantly enhancing residents’ quality of life. However, the utilization and maintenance of road machinery can sometimes be a headache for clients.

Recently, Arrisara Group, located in the Nakhon Pathom province in central Thailand, acquired three SANY road machinery units for their local road construction and renovation projects.

This is the first time Arrisara Group has purchased and operated SANY’s equipment. To provide an unparalleled service experience, SANY immediately dispatched its top-notch service engineers to the client’s construction site, offering specialized training and technical support.

Expert Training & Skill Enhancement

The training covered three main machinery types: the SSR120C-10 single drum roller, the SPR160C-8 tire roller, and the SMG200C-8 grader, all of which are popular road machinery products in Thailand.

Upon arriving at the site, SANY’s service engineers approached the clients with a friendly and professional demeanor. They provided comprehensive guidance, from hands-on practicals to discussions, covering the machinery’s operation techniques, maintenance procedures, key points, and safety knowledge. All queries raised by the client’s management and operators were addressed meticulously.

This skill transfer and enhancement not only assists Thai clients in quickly mastering equipment operation techniques but also fosters a stronger bond between SANY and its customers.

Problem-Solving & Work Assurance

Whether it’s troubleshooting equipment issues, refining operation techniques, or addressing any maintenance concerns, SANY’s service engineers are always ready to respond swiftly, offering feasible solutions on the front lines.

Their aim is not just to resolve immediate issues but to provide long-term technical support, ensuring that clients have no reservations about using road machinery. Such unparalleled service quality instills confidence in Thai clients to continue with their road construction projects, giving a big thumbs up to both SANY’s equipment and services!

Every service provided by SANY is not just a technical training session but a blend of wisdom, expertise, and care.

With utmost passion, SANY’s service engineers diligently serve, disseminating road machinery knowledge, ensuring a smooth construction process for clients, and collectively advancing the road construction endeavors of various nations.

Amidst the wave of globalization, SANY Road Machinery continues to march forward hand in hand with its clients, constructing magnificent roads, and impressing the world with the tagline “Made in China, a Nation’s Pride!”